Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference (DCYC)
Save the date for our next conference, January 31-February 2, 2025
An annual weekend for Catholic high school youth to celebrate their Catholic faith.
The diocesan annual Middle School Rally is an opportunity for youth in grades 6-8 from across the diocese to come together in a conference format for a fun day of dynamic keynote presentations, prayer, sharing in fellowship, and attending workshops that help them grow in faith. Save the date for April 26, 2025 at St. Anthony Marie de Claret Parish in Kyle.
Confirmation Retreats / I Believe & Fruits of the Spirit
Upcoming Retreat Dates:
A retreat opportunity for youth preparing for confirmation or parishes looking to bond with their youth through an overnight retreat experience. The retreat is designed for parishes of all sizes. Contact Eagle's Wings Retreat Center at 512-715-0017 for registration and pricing information.
Together Encounter Christ Retreat (TEC)
An intergenerational movement focused on the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ for anyone 17 years or older.All new or nearly new Youth Ministers are invited to join us to learn how our office can support you in ministry. We'll also discuss best practices and tips on how to make your ministry thrive. Join us on Tuesday, October 8 from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.; lunch will be served Click here to register.
Formerly known as Basic Training in Catholic Youth Ministry, these courses are designed for those who work with youth. The classes are offered virtually through our partnership with Franciscan at Home. Click here to learn more about Franciscan at Home and to create your free account.
Gathering of all parish youth ministers for formation and community. The YM Summit is held bi-annually in the fall and spring. More information is coming soon.
National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM)
The National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry gathers and forms adults to inspire, strengthen, and nourish those who accompany young people as they encounter and follow Jesus Christ.
National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
A powerful, biennial, three-day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic high school students. The next conference is scheduled for November 14-16, 2024 in Long Beach, CA
Life Teen hosts six different Steubenville Youth Conferences with the hopes of strengthening and inspiring teens and youth groups in their collective journeys with Christ.
November 9, 2024
Inspiration San Antonio unites faith and fun as Catholic teens come together to experience the excitement of life in Christ. During this event, teens will encounter the thrills of Six Flags Fiesta Texas followed by an uplifting Mass and adoration worship.