All baptized people are missionaries. Regardless of age, culture, language, or experience, we are all called to be witnesses of the mercy of God. We do this through the Pontifical Mission Societies, a group of four societies that together work to proclaim the teachings of Christ through their missionary works.
Each of the Pontifical Mission Societies has its own goals, activities and charisms. These societies are united in spirit and faith as the Societies of the Holy Father and the Bishops of the world promote a spirit of love and mission. Under the direction of the Congregation for the Evangelization of People and the Bishops, the Pontifical Mission Societies exist now in more than 120 countries. Over 1,100 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Oceanic and Latin America, receive assistance from the general funds distributed globally based on need.
The Pontifical Mission Societies are One Family In Mission, these four societies are:
Society for the Propagation of the Faith
One of the four Pontifical Mission Societies, the Propagation of the Faith raises funds to help the 1,100 dioceses throughout the world which are not able to be self-supporting. It also challenges young people to go to these dioceses as lay missionaries, sisters, priests and brothers. This society is supported by high school and college students, and adults from all walks of life.
Missionary Childhood Association
The Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) was founded in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin Jansen. Its purpose is to encourage all children to be aware of the needs of children living in mission dioceses throughout the world and support them both spiritually and sacrificially. Today it is in 110 countries and helps make Jesus known to children all over the world. Under its banner “Children Helping Children”, monies raised through schools are directed towards self-help programs involving the building of schools, the provision of health and nutrition programs and medications, school fees, and teaching and learning resources.
Society of St. Peter the Apostle
The goal of the Society of St. Peter is to invite individuals to support the education of candidates for the Catholic priesthood in the Developing World and to support the formation of men and women candidates for Religious life in the Missions. In its first year, the Society of St. Peter Apostle sent help for some 2,700 seminarians in the Missions. Today, some 30,000 major seminarians, mostly in Africa and Asia, receive an annual subsidy of $700 per student.
Missionary Union of Priests and Religious
This spiritual apostolate started by the Italian missionary Father Pablo Manna continues to address itself to those called to bring Catholics to a better understanding of their baptismal responsibility for the church’s missionary work — to priests, Religious, seminarians, pastoral leaders and those engaged in catechesis and religious education.