I am deeply saddened by the news that is emerging concerning Father Anthony Odiong, a priest of the Diocese of Uyo, Nigeria, who previously served in the Diocese of Austin. I remain committed to cooperating with and supporting law enforcement in their efforts. Let us hold in prayer those who have been impacted by this matter. May God bring about His peace and renewal.
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin expresses his heartfelt gratitude to Sara Ramirez for her eleven years of outstanding service as Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Central Texas (CCCTX). Sara has accepted the position of President and CEO of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada in the Archdiocese of Las Vegas. Her tenure in Austin will conclude in early December.
I hereby dispense the faithful of the Diocese of Austin from the obligation of attending Mass on December 9, 2024, the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Today, we are greeted by the news of newly elected leaders. Let us pray that God grants them the wisdom and courage to lead with compassion, justice, and humility. May they serve with respect and generosity toward all people, recognizing the face of God in every individual.
During Respect Life Month, we are reminded of the sacredness of life and the dignity of the human person. I think of my mother and the children she carried and protected in her womb. I will always be grateful to my parents for choosing life and for reminding us that all life is indeed a gift from God.
October is Respect Life and World Missions Month. During these next several weeks, your participation in acts of generosity is not just a blessing but a significant contribution to the Body of Christ. This is a distinctive time of the year when the Church promotes the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death and cultivates awareness and support for the mission territories of the Catholic Church. Your participation makes a difference.
Our theme for this year’s Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is "Together, we make a difference." These words resonate especially this year as we celebrate the incredible generosity and increased participation of donors to last year’s CSA.
On July 16, 2024, the Diocese of Austin learned of the arrest of Father Anthony Odiong, through a press release by the Waco Police Department and from media reports. Fr. Odiong, a priest of the Diocese of Uyo, Nigeria, was arrested in Florida.
We pray for the deceased, those injured and for former President Donald Trump’s recovery. I remain steadfast with the Bishops of the United States in condemning all forms of violence, which has no place in politics and serves only to undermine our cherished democracy. May Christ, the Prince of Peace, hold us together as one nation united against hatred and violence in exercising our faithful citizenship for the common good.
The Dobbs ruling was a landmark decision providing legal protection for the preborn. As Catholics, it is our responsibility and privilege to uphold the dignity and sanctity of every human life.
On Sunday, we celebrate our fathers. As we honor them, we give thanks to God for the important role they fulfill in forming their children in the faith. Happy Father’s Day!
During this Holy Week, we are called to be like our Blessed Mother Mary, Simon of Cyrene, and the women of Jerusalem, who followed Christ on the way of the cross.
Make haste during these remaining weeks of Lent! Make room for Jesus in your heart, strive to turn away from sin, and know that Christ is with you on this journey.
On January 20-21, I have asked our parish priests to participate in our fourth annual, Called by Name Sunday. From all eternity, God has known each one of us by name and has a particular calling for us to follow. Called by Name Sunday is about listening and responding to God’s call.
On November 11 the Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointed me apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Tyler. With these added responsibilities, I remain Bishop of the Diocese of Austin, and have begun to distribute my time between here and Tyler.