Expreso mi agradecimiento al Papa Francisco por la publicación del informe sobre el ex cardenal Therodore McCarrick. El informe es un paso significativo para la Iglesia en el continuar reconociendo a aquellos que fueron heridos por McCarrick y por otros ministros en la Iglesia. También refleja el compromiso del Santo Padre de poner fin al abuso en la Iglesia y en nuestras comunidades.
Expreso mi agradecimiento al Papa Francisco por la publicación del informe sobre el ex cardenal Therodore McCarrick. El informe es un paso significativo para la Iglesia en el continuar reconociendo a aquellos que fueron heridos por McCarrick y por otros ministros en la Iglesia. También refleja el compromiso del Santo Padre de poner fin al abuso en la Iglesia y en nuestras comunidades.
I express my gratitude to Pope Francis for releasing the report regarding former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The report is a meaningful step for the Church in continuing to acknowledge those who were hurt by McCarrick and other ministers in the Church. It also reflects the Holy Father’s commitment to end abuse in the Church and in our communities.
Before we come to Mass, each individual must assess their health. Am I feeling ill? Do I have a fever and a headache? And then when we are at Mass, we must maintain our distance and wear face masks, so that just in case we are sick, we don’t pass the illness to someone else. I also ask that parishioners receive the Eucharist in the hand instead of on the tongue. I have asked parishes to offer hand sanitizer for those entering the church and to disinfect the church after each Mass. These safety protocols have been established for the health and safety of all who attend.
Students (in person and online) at Sacred Heart Catholic School in La Grange prayed a rosary for healing and peace on Oct. 19. The school celebrated its 90th anniversary on Sept. 8, and several activities are planned to celebrate the milestone. (Photo by LaDonna Voelkel)
Father Greg Gerhart is the Vocation director for the Diocese of Austin. His role is to help young men and women hear and respond to God’s call and to help everyone recognize and fulfill their role in promoting a culture of vocations.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has found innovative ways to meet the needs of those seeking help. Requests for assistance have increased over the last six months. The need for assistance to pay doctor and prescription bills has increased. As many people have lost jobs, they have asked for help with mortgage and rent expenses, car payments, clothing, food and other household bills.
Over the last three years, the ministry has reached nearly 200 seniors through a mixture of events, ranging from religious education and spirituality to practical information such as the role of grandparents in the spiritual lives of their grandchildren.
The Vatican press office did not respond to requests for clarification. Pope Francis has made similar references in the past to the need to provide legal protections for the rights of nonmarried people living together in a stable way –– rights, for example, involving inheritance, health care decisions and visitation when one is ill.
Pope Francis signs his encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship” after celebrating Mass at the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy, Oct. 3. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
In an effort to provide more Catholic news from around the world, the Catholic Spirit offers these briefs provided by Catholic News Service, which is available at www.catholicnews.com.
God delights to call his sons to be priests of Jesus Christ by using our voice of encouragement, and God loves to call our sisters and daughters to be his bride as religious sisters by answering our prayers.
In the midst of the chaos we must make time to take care of ourselves, whether that means stepping away for some quiet time or connecting with a loved one who can offer support through our struggles. Sometimes taking care of ourselves means seeking the help of a trusted professional who can accompany us through our challenges and help us to cope more effectively.
The words priests and deacons use when celebrating the sacraments are important. The correct formula in the Rite of the Sacrament of Baptism spoken by the bishop, priest or deacon is: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (CNS photo from Vatican Media)
Allison Streett sculpted “Job:Questioning” as she contemplated the freedom of the faithful to question God in our suffering. Streett’s art is often influenced by her faith, and much of her work is drawn directly from biblical narratives. Streett and her husband have six children; they live in the Fort Worth area. More information on her work can be found online at allisonstreettstudios.com. (Photo courtesy Allison Sreett)