The Texas Catholic Conference is disappointed that the disruptions in the Senate chamber thwarted the Texas Senate from passing Senate Bill 5 before the midnight deadline. The Senate votes record shows that with 19 yeas and 10 nays, the measure had received more than enough votes necessary to pass. As a result, measures to protect unborn life and to increase the health and safety of Texas women have been delayed. Given this and other essential issues that are awaiting legislative action, the TCC urges Governor Perry to call a second special session quickly to address this and the other issues that were not resolved before time ran out on the first special session.
Through the efforts of the Unified Catholic Response for West, a collaborative effort of the Diocese of Austin, Catholic Charities of Central Texas, the Ladies of Charity of Austin, and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 100 vouchers for the House in a Box program have been issued. On Saturday, the decision was made to increase the number of available vouchers to a total of 200.