Last Saturday, I celebrated Mass with 95 men discerning their vocation. There were high school-aged as well as career professionals in attendance. Many of these men were invited to attend after being identified by their priests, family and parishioners on Called By Name Sunday. All these men share a common desire to discern God’s will in their lives. Brothers and sisters, all of us are called to promote a culture of vocations in our Church. Let us pray for these men as they continue to reflect on their vocation and for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
On Sunday, I celebrated the Rite of Election with over 400 catechumens from throughout the Diocese. The Rite of Election takes place on the first Sunday of Lent. This ritual marks the catechumen’s entry into the final phase of their preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist), usually at the Easter Vigil. After the Rite of Election, they are called “the elect,” since they have been elected by the Church to become members. These “elect” have been on a journey and now that journey intensifies in the weeks before the Easter Vigil. Together with our “elect” and Catholics throughout the world, we pray to deepen our faith, grow in holiness, and strengthen our relationship with God.
On Ash Wednesday we began our Lenten journey by receiving ashes as a visible sign of our faith. The ashes remind us of the season we are entering and the opportunity to evaluate our life with the Lord, Jesus Christ. Before the Lord, we are all weak, poor, and needy. Jesus looks upon us with compassion inviting us to trust in his mercy. Brothers and sisters, may God grant us Lenten graces that will bring about conversion in our lives.