On Palm Sunday, we commemorated Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem; greeted by crowds waving palm branches and singing Hosanna!
During Holy week, the Church invites us to journey with Christ through his Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
On Tuesday, we celebrate the Chrism Mass, when the Sacred Chrism, Oil of Catechumens and Oil of the Sick are blessed. As bishop, this is a special day for me as my priests and I celebrate the gift of priesthood and reaffirm the promises we made at ordination.
On Holy Thursday we gather in the evening to commemorate when Jesus shared his final Passover meal with his disciples and washed their feet, which is a sign of the Church’s ministry of service.
On this night, Christ gives us the Holy Eucharist – his most precious body and blood. As Catholics, we believe the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life and is the real presence of Christ among us. At the Last Supper, Christ instituted the priesthood, ordaining the first priests and commanded them to do as he did – bringing his word and the Eucharist to the faithful.
On Good Friday, we come together to enter into the Passion of the Lord as we venerate the cross and receive Holy Communion, which was consecrated the evening before. As we leave the sanctuary in silence, we contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the World.
On Holy Saturday, the church gathers at night to celebrate the Easter Vigil – the most important liturgy of the entire year. The Easter fire is lit which pierces the darkness, the Easter proclamation is sung, and we welcome new members into the Church who are baptized and confirmed. And for the first time, they share the Eucharist at the table of the Lord. Through this celebration of the Eucharist, we become one Mystical Body of Christ. This indeed is a time of great joy because Christ who suffered the cross has conquered death forever.
Brother and sisters: during this Holy Week, we are called to be like our Blessed Mother Mary, Simon of Cyrene, and the women of Jerusalem, who followed Christ on the way of the cross. We are also called to accompany one another as we carry our daily cross and bear witness to our faith as we experience Christ’s gifts of mercy and redeeming love.
May these sacred days be filled with prayer, devotion and a heart filled with joy, knowing that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has risen and remains with us always.
I invoke God’s blessings…. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – AMEN.