Reporters requesting an interview with Bishop Vásquez are advised to contact the Communications Office with enough notice to accommodate their requests, due to Bishop’s traveling schedule.
The diocesan grounds, including St. Mary Cathedral, churches and schools, are private property. Please review these Location Request Guidelines prior to contacting the Communications Office. The diocese welcomes media coverage of our special Masses and press events. Reporters are advised to contact the Communications Office to help facilitate photography or camera set-up in designated areas that will not interrupt the Mass. Interviews should be conducted outside of the Cathedral or churches so as not to disturb those who are worshipping.
Reporters must seek the consent of an informed parent or adult guardian before interviewing, videotaping or photographing a child.
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St. Austin Catholic Church and School celebrated the opening of its ministry building and school with a ribbon-cutting event and campus celebration that included Diocese of Austin leadership, the Paulist Fathers, St. Austin Parish and School leaders, as well as city, business, and community leaders.
The Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez, Bishop of Austin and the people of the Diocese of Austin have received a Papal Blessing from Pope Francis on this the 75th Anniversary of the Catholic Church in Central Texas.
The Church’s commitment to protect human life from conception to natural death remains steadfast. So too is our commitment to accompany mothers who face an unplanned pregnancy. As we await the Supreme Court’s final decision, my hope is that people of goodwill will continue to pray for a just decision that upholds the dignity of life.
I join with the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops in expressing my gratitude to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for intervening to spare the life of Melissa Lucio, a mother of 14 and a grandmother, who was scheduled for execution on April 27.