English | Spanish
We serve Latino Youth and Young Adult Ministers or Agentes de Pastoral Juvenil by accompanying, advising and facilitating formation; with the purpose to empower them and improve the way they guide the young in their community.
Every parish is unique in multiple ways. That's why consultation is one of our first resources available to you at no cost. All we need from you is an invitation. When can we meet?
Monthly Collaboration Gatherings (MCG)
We meet on a monthly basis. If you work with Latino Middle School, High School, or Young Adults, these gatherings are for you. Our MCG is a great opportunity to network with individuals just like you, grow in faith and learn about the newest resources available to you. Be one step ahead by being one of the first to learn what's going on in our diocese, region, nation, and world regarding Latino Youth and Young Adults. Check our calendar for updated information on events for you and your team.
Monthly Mass
Discover the beauty of the Eucharist! On the last Friday of the month Latino young adults are invited to share the Bread of Life with joy at a local parish; the rosary is prayed at 7:30 p.m. and the Inter-parochial Mass begins at 8 p.m. The Mass is live-streamed on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pjhaustin/.
Contact Yazmin Mani, email: [email protected] (office: 512-949-2466)
Webinars in Spanish
NFCYM provides online training courses. For an updated list of webinars available in Spanish, click here.
Healthy Family, Healthy Mental Health | We know that our family is a gift from God and within it we know God's love. So what happens when someone in our family has an in-visible illness? Does God stop loving us or our family member? On the contrary, when our family responds generously we grow in God's love. In this seminar, we will talk about different mental illnesses in particular Autism.