The Diocese of Austin seeks not only to educate people in understanding and respecting the dignity of every immigrant as a human being, but also to recognize the value of immigrants and immigration in our nation. We, as people of faith, not only advocate for the humane treatment of immigrants and family unity, but also support for compassionate comprehensive immigration reform through the USCCB.
In the midst of the concerns about immigration and border control, may we never forget that Christ reminds us — through the parable of the Good Samaritan — of our role to be vivid examples of the fulfillment of the love commandment. The concept of “neighbor” is not merely a matter of blood bonds or nationality or religious communion. Everyone is our neighbor. As baptized members of Christ’s faithful, we must be serious about the challenge we have been given to “welcome the stranger” (Dt 10:19; Lv 19:34; Hb 13:1; Col 3:11; & Mt 25:35).
Catholic Charities of Central Texas has a long history of supporting migrants and refugees on their path to citizenship. The agency helps those come from all across the world fleeing religious, economic and political persecution because it is important that we provide opportunity to the most vulnerable. Catholic Charities not only endeavors to keep families together and safe, but also seeks to offer a hand up to families, so their children and grandchildren can live in a country which affords them freedom and a hopeful future.
Catholic Charities offers high-quality immigration legal services at an affordable rate reducing the cost of representation by 60%-80% compared to hiring a private attorney. Immigration laws are difficult to navigate and the organization has staff available to help with the complex issues refugees face. As with all Catholic Charities’ services, the multilingual staff is available to help all Central Texans in need, not just Catholics.
For more information about Catholic Charities of Central Texas and the Immigration Legal Services program, please visit
USCCB Migration and Refugee Services receive frequent inquiries concerning legal immigration matters such as securing proper visas, adjustment of legal status, and similar services. MRS works in partnership with the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) and its network of legal immigration service providers throughout the United States which are experts in the area of immigration law and its application.
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
8757 Georgia Avenue
Suite 850
Silver Spring, MD 20910