When a dating relationship becomes more serious, it’s important to go deeper and talk about your family and childhood experiences, hopes for the future, what faith means to you, and so on. Marriage isn’t something to enter lightly, but it shouldn’t be feared. It’s wise to pray about and discern where your relationship is headed. The content here can help you do that and can help lay a strong foundation for your future marriage.
You’re engaged – congratulations! What a joyful and exciting time. When you were dating, you probably had heart-to-heart conversations about many things. Now that you’ve taken a definitive step toward the Sacrament of Marriage, it’s important to delve into topics that will impact your lives together. This happens mainly in formal marriage preparation classes or meetings with your priest, but there are also great conversation starters here on this site. For more information about making your wedding day beautiful and meaningful, check out Planning a Catholic Wedding. Engagement is also a great time to learn about Natural Family Planning!
The Church gives us a great gift in her teaching on sexuality and conjugal love (the embodied love of husband and wife in marriage). Our faith calls every couple to a love that is full, total, faithful and fruitful: open to God, each other, and the gift of children. There are always challenges for couples in trying to live this out this beautiful vision. In this section, you’ll find an in-depth look at married love and intimacy, together with practical advice in living marriage well.
Every relationship needs attention and care to thrive, and marriage is no different. Couples sometimes run on autopilot for months or even years, caught up in the daily tasks of creating a home together, working, caring for children, and serving others. The good news is that there are a million and one ways to nurture your relationship: intentional couple-time, learning more about your mission as a married couple, growing in communication skills, etc. No effort is wasted; your love is worth investing in!